Sober Gifts
Gifts with motivation for being and staying Sober.
Wow, I now have a sober gifts shop! Undoubtedly it is why I have been a little quiet on the blogging front in truth. Contrary to belief these things take a little more of your time than you would think.
The idea came from a thought that I want something to mark my sobriety. Maybe to show the world that I am very serious indeed in staying a Sober Bad Ass. Now a little over 4 months, it’s the longest I have ever gone without a drink. As well as feeling super proud I want to treat myself to one of these comfy Hoodies.
But it has left me wondering about celebrating sobriety or even just birthdays and christmas. What would people buy me? The usual go to would be gin or prosecco related. I guess by creating a shop I am making it easier for my loved ones. My loved ones can share their love with something I would now love more. (Hope you like that little tongue twister).
Sober Gifts Designs
Most of the phrases are from thoughts I have personally. Although the odd one slightly tweaked from inspirations I have found browsing online. The images on each product are my very own ideas I hope you like them. In the future I can add more ideas. However my thoughts come and go, so when I feel creative again, I’ll reach out. But for now, not wanting to overwhelm you or myself as we get started.
If you like any of these items, I would be very grateful of any support. Help my passion of sharing how great sobriety is. (I am sure you will agree). You can if you like tag me @clubsoberuk on instagram I am quite chatty on there. Reaching out often to others so please don’t be shy, I will only ever offer you positive vibes and comments. And if you could, for each purchase I would genuinely love to see you using your new sober gift.